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Gardes proposées :
Garde partielle/périscolaire, Au pair (infos)

Aixa, au pair à Genouillé

Les plus d'Aixa


My name is Aixa. I am a qualified language tutor for children, teenagers and adults. I speak English, Spanish , Italian and at the moment I am learning French. I am building my hobby which is painting into a career too. I love spirituality but I am not religious.
I love reading personal grow topics, writing and meditate, I have a nine years old who is very fluent in languages too. I have took care of children while teaching them languages. I also hold a pre school diploma from my native country Venezuela. I love to teach not only languages but also art :painting and drawing mandalas and practise meditation as tools to reconnect to our innerself and find balance in our lives. I like to teach manners and politeness to children, general knowledge about the world and spirituality, to value and love their parents. I love to combine my teaching skills, my knowledge gained by living in diferent countries, my spirituality, me artistic abilities and my experience as a parent when taking care of children in order to benefit the child's life in a holisticaly way.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Garde partielle/périscolaire
Au pair
Formation CAP petite enfance, agrément officiel ou équivalent
Premiers secours (AFPS ou secouriste)
Expérience Experience professionnelle, 1 à 2 ans.
A déjà gardé des enfants de 6 mois à 1 an
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées Anglais (bilingue)
Espagnol (langue maternelle)
Italien (bilingue)
Français (débutant)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire et collège
Cuisine pour les enfants : Oui, je peux
Aide au ménage / repassage : Oui, je peux


Aixa peut vous fournir sur demande les coordonnées d'anciens employeurs qui la recommandent.

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56 ans
Aixa, au pair Genouillé


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9,00 CHF
de l'heure
Garde partielle/périscolaire
Explication :

I am a qualified tutor and I can assist children academically.