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Gardes proposées :
Babysitting (infos)

Jana, babysitting à Le havre 76600

Les plus de Jana


Dear Future Employer,
Nowadays, I am an Erasmus exchange student in Master Degree at Ecole de Management de Normandie in Le Havre, field International Management. I have been already in France 4 months and I am ready for the next semester which ends at the end of April 2019, but I am opened to stay in France, if there is the possibility to get a good job. Right now, I would like to gain as many experience as it would be possible. Me, I am experienced in Customer Service, HR Department and Finance Department, as well as in Public Sector and Teacher Skills. I speak English almost 19 years, and I have been learning French 5 years. I hope that my experience could be benefit for you. I am ready for any challenge and I would be happy to learn everything new.
I am looking forward to your response!
Yours Sincerely,
Jana Kušnírová, Student in Le Havre

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Babysitting
Formation Premiers secours (AFPS ou secouriste)
Expérience Experience professionnelle, 2 à 5 ans.
A déjà gardé des enfants de 3 à 6 ans
Langues parlées Anglais (courant)
Français (débutant)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire
Cuisine pour les enfants : Oui, je peux
Aide au ménage / repassage : Oui, je peux


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30 ans


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Pour accéder aux disponibilités de Jana, vous devez être membre, profitez-en c'est gratuit

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5,00 €
de l'heure
Babysitting ponctuel