Mi chiamo Beatrice , ho 21 anni e sono di Sant'Agostino (FE). Mi sono diplomata presso il Liceo Classico G.Cevolani indirizzo Scienze Umane a Cento. Terminato il liceo sono andata in Inghilterra per un anno, dove ho lavorato come au pair prendendomi cura di un bambino di 10 anni con sindrome di Asperger. Questa esperienza mi ha aiutato a crescere e a diventare più indipendente e responsabile. Grazie al corso di studi che ho fatto, ho avuto l'opportunità di lavorare come educatrice, per una settimana, in un centro per disabili, e da dicembre 2012 al maggio 2013 ho svolto uno stage a contatto con bambini dai tre ai sei anni, in cui svolgevo con loro attività didattiche pomeridiane. Infine ho fatto l'animatrice per "Estate Ragazzi", con bambini dai sei ai dieci anni, il cui obiettivo era intrattenere i bambini con giochi, attività educative e creative, organizzate da noi.
My name is Beatrice and I am from Sant’ Agostino (FE) and in July 2015 I finished High School where I studied Human Sciences at the “Liceo Classico Giuseppe Cevolani” in Cento. I took a year off from my studies and I went to England where I worked as an au pair. This experience helped me to grow up and become more independent and responsible. I did an English course at Eastleigh College because I wanted to improve my English. Italian is my mother tongue, but I studied English for eleven years and as an au pair I lived with an English family so I had to use it on a daily basis. Thanks to the course of study that I have done, I had the opportunity to work as an assistant, for one week, with disabled people, I also volunteered from December 2012 to May 2013 to work with children from three to six years old. It was an amazing experience that helped me to be more patient, quiet and creative. Also volunteered as an entertainer for children from six to ten years old for two summers when school ended. This activity is called “ Estate Ragazzi” and the aim was entertain the children with games, education and creative activities, arranged by us.
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