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Urgently looking for a babysitter 22 -26 february 2021 in monthurel/chataeu-thierry

My family and I are currently in Monthurel (not far from Chataeu Thierry) on holiday with friends. We are looking for a babysitter who can help with my twin girls (feeding, changing, playing, bath), 4hrs per day, 14hr -1 8hr (Monday 22nd to Friday 26 February). We are offering 10 Eur per hour (200 Eur total for the week).
I am looking for someone:
- who can come to where we are
- who is willing to take a Covid test (PCR) as we are a big group of 17 friends with kids staying together
- with experience taking care of small children between 6-12 months, who is reliable and loves children.

If interested we can discuss the details further.
Ps. I am anglophone, with basic understanding of French, but my husband speaks French.


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

2 enfants à garder (6 mois à 1 an)

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le Lundi 22/02/2021 à 14h00
Fin : le Vendredi 26/02/2021 à 18h00