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In search of a concierge / cleaning service

We have a holiday house and like to have someone that cleans the house in between guests and does some other tasks, like putting out the garbage bins, and maybe arrange someone to cut the lawn. It's normally from 11am - 3pm and will be around 10-15 times per year. So it's not taking care of the children, but taking care of a house.

We will pay very good, but expect good service as well. The house itself will be cleaned by the visitors normally, and it won't be very difficult, but we like to make sure everything is good for the next guests, so the shower and toilet needs to be done, some vacuum cleaning and so on. We like to work with somebody for years if possible.

- understanding a bit of English
- trustworthy
- able to work between 11 am - 3pm


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le Samedi 06/05/2023 à 10h40
Fin : le Samedi 06/05/2023 à 13h10