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Looking for a babysitter for two australian boys in hotel for parents to enjoy dinner

Hello, I'm looking for a kind babysitter for two Australian boys (they speak English) who are almost 3 & 5 in the hotel whilst we have dinner downstairs from 6.30pm - about 9. All that is required is some play then, hopefully sleep time! Please let me know if this interests you. Many thanks, Karinya


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

2 enfants à garder (1 à 3 ans / 3 à 6 ans)

Type de nounou recherchée : assistante maternelle, nounou à domicile, babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le Jeudi 05/08/2021 à 18h30
Fin : le Jeudi 05/08/2021 à 21h00