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Looking for an extra pair of hands

We are an English family of 5. Mum, dad, 2 girls aged 7, 5, and a little boy aged 3. We live in London but have a chalet in Le Pre, Villaroger. We are looking for a helping hand either live in or out. An extra pair of hands who is keen to play games, go for long walks, help with children's meals and cleaning up after them. Would you be able to help? They do not need to have much experience, just like kids and family fun!
Many thanks


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

3 enfants à garder (1 à 3 ans / 3 à 6 ans / plus de 6 ans)

Type de nounou recherchée : assistante maternelle, nounou à domicile, babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le Dimanche 24/07/2022 à 10h50
Fin : le Dimanche 14/08/2022 à 10h50