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Looking for babysitter to help us on thursday evening (18.08).

Hello! We are visiting Callian with friends. We have a total of 6 children who are happy and very easy-going. For Thursday evening we are looking for someone to look after them. Let me know if you can help us! Maybe if needed we can book 2 babysitters but that is up to you....We don't speak French by the way....Thanks, Lieke


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

6 enfants à garder (3 à 6 ans / plus de 6 ans)

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
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Début : le Jeudi 17/08/2023 à 17h55
Fin : le Jeudi 17/08/2023 à 23h55